The sporadically updated website of geneticist
and former jockey, David Howard


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Undergraduate Degree - BSc (Hons) Equine Management

I started a bachelor's degree in Equine Management in September 2007 at the Royal Agricultural College, which has since been renamed the Royal Agricultural University. The course leader was Dr Andrew Hemmings and further information about the course can be found here.

It was a diverse course offering a mixture of equine science and management modules, covering everything from equine anatomy, behaviour and genetics to law, finance and marketing. I also had the opportunity to complete a 20 week work placement at Cheltenham racecourse.

For my dissertation in the final year, I investigating whether the orange boarding used around racing hurdles and fences was the most suitable colour given that horses are dichromatic. I obtained a first class degree with honours and was awarded a medal for outstanding academic achievement.

Below are a few examples of my undergraduate work in pdf format:

A review of the recent studies regarding the equine mitchondial genome.

A report exploring the extent in which modern stud managers can promote fertility and health in the domestic breeding situation, by learning from the feral horse.

An investigation in to the genetic disorder, overo lethal white syndrome.

A critical evaluation of recent legislative changes which impact upon equine welfare.

After completing my undergraduate degree, I decided to continue my academic learning and development and there is more information on the Postgraduate page.

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